What’s on your Pizza?
Well Pizza is my all-time favorite food. And when I say all-time favorite, I can literally eat it anytime of the day and every single day. Can be a bit much for someone but it is absolutely normal for me. There are variations of things or toppings that people put on their pizzas while I am usually fine with everything or anything there are a few topping choices and options that might seem weird for those who aren’t used to them. However, having said that, I am in no way criticizing the culture of any country whatsoever.
Green Peas Pizza in Brazil
Brazilians seem to like green peas a lot. So much so that they like to add peas, carrots, quail eggs, beets and raisins on their thin crust pizza as topping.
Fried Egg Pizza in France
Egg and pizza might sound a unique combination! In France, the egg is served yolk up on pizzas. Sometimes it’s baked on top of the pizza, and sometimes it’s fried separately to be added later.
Cone Crust Pizza in United Arab Emirates
This interesting-looking pizza has a crust that you can easily pluck perhaps too easily. Each cone of the Cone Crust Pizza comes stuffed with honey mustard chicken or cream cheese.
Coconut and Shrimp Pizza in Costa Rica
Coconut on pizza might sound weird to you, but in Costa Rica, it is consistently the most preferred topping. The other favored topping is shrimp.
Banana Curry Pizza in Sweden
In Sweden, the topping combination of Pizza Africana is very interesting — peanuts, bananas, chicken, pineapple and loads of curry powder, and is often known as banana curry pizza.