Apple Unleashes Creativity: A Look Back at the “Let Loose” Event

Lucas Brown
2 min readMay 8, 2024

On May 7th, 2024, Apple’s “Let Loose” event ignited the tech world with a flurry of creative potential. Living up to its tagline, the focus was firmly on empowering users with powerful new iPads.

The iPad Pro Gets an M4 Makeover

The star of the show was undoubtedly the new iPad Pro. Sporting the mightily impressive M4 chip, the first device to do so, Apple promises a significant performance leap. This translates to smoother multitasking, faster processing for demanding creative tasks like video editing, and a future-proofed device ready for even the most intensive applications.

But the upgrades go beyond just processing power. The front-facing camera has been relocated to the landscape edge, mirroring a laptop configuration — a clear nod towards the iPad Pro’s growing role as a productivity powerhouse.

iPad Air Gets a Muscle Up

The iPad Air wasn’t left out of the spotlight. This crowd favorite received a welcome upgrade to the M2 chip, previously exclusive to the iPad Pro. This translates to a noticeable performance boost over its predecessor, making it a fantastic choice for students, artists, and anyone who needs a powerful yet portable tablet. The base storage has also been bumped to 128GB, offering more breathing room for apps, photos, and creative projects.

Beyond the iPads

While the iPads were the main attraction, Apple didn’t forget about accessories. The new Apple Pencil Pro boasts improved pressure sensitivity and tilt detection, promising an even more natural and precise digital pen experience for artists and designers.

A Creative Frenzy

The “Let Loose” event was a clear message from Apple: iPads are no longer just for casual browsing. With the M-series chips and a focus on creative workflows, Apple is positioning the iPad as a serious contender in the creative professional’s toolkit. Whether you’re a designer, a musician, or a budding filmmaker, the new iPads offer the power and flexibility to unleash your creativity.

